Free Version:

  1. The user can save a debit/credit card on the payment info page using the payment manual payment method (Credit Card payment method).
  2. Setting to save option on the checkout page to save card details. 
  3. The saved card option (checkbox) will be displayed in the payment info section.

saved payment cards another payment method

  1. Display a list of saved cards on the payment info page. The user can use a saved card for the payment process.
  2. Setting to forcefully save the card details can be set by the store owner.
  3. The saved cards list can give a delete option to delete saved cards.
  1. A saved card menu option on my account page for customers is added in this version.
  2. The saved cards page on the customer my account page gives authority to the customer to manage their card details. Customers can add / edit/ delete their card details.

saved payment cards saved card

Trial Version:

  1. All paid version features are available for 10 calendar days.