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Hosted Cron-Jobs - Hosted Cron-Jobs

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hosted cron jobs advanced scheduled tasks plugin logo for nopcommerce

Hosted Cron Jobs is a powerful plugin designed to enhance the scheduling capabilities of nopCommerce by integrating with the robust services of While nopCommerce’s default Scheduled Tasks are functional, they often fall short when more complex or reliable task management is required. This is where Hosted Cron Jobs steps in, offering a comprehensive solution to manage and execute cron jobs with precision and ease.

With Hosted Cron Jobs, you can schedule tasks to run at specific intervals, times, or dates with far greater flexibility than the built-in options. Whether you need to synchronize data, trigger updates, or automate recurring tasks, this plugin provides a seamless way to ensure your operations are always on schedule.

Core Highlights:

  1. Seamless Integration with Easily configure and manage cron jobs by integrating your nopCommerce store with the powerful scheduling capabilities of
  2. Job Configuration and Management: Separate UI similar to nopCommerce Scheduled Tasks but with capabilities specific to Cron-Jobs plugin.
  3. Execution Tracking:
    1. Status Indicators: Quickly see whether a cron job is configured, enabled, and its last execution status.
    2. Last Execution Time: Track when each cron job was last executed.
    3. Execution Duration: Monitor how long each job takes to run.
    4. Next Execution Time: Know exactly when the next execution of each job is scheduled.
  4. Dynamic Job Control: Easily enable or disable individual cron jobs directly from the dashboard.
  5. Security:
    1. API Key Configuration: Securely manage API keys for interacting with
    2. Authentication Key: Ensure secure communication with by managing authentication keys.
    3. Key Regeneration: Quickly regenerate keys if necessary to maintain security.
  6. Real-Time Status Updates: Stay informed about the success or failure of cron jobs with real-time status updates, including detailed logs of the last execution status.

Upcoming Features:

  • Intuitive Dashboard: Manage all aspects of your cron jobs from a centralized and user-friendly interface within your nopCommerce admin panel.
  • Job Management: Perform quick actions such as enabling, disabling, adding or editing jobs directly from the list view.

Designed with efficiency, security, and scalability in mind, Hosted Cron Jobs is ideal for store owners and developers who demand more from their automation tools. It’s perfect for those looking to connect their nopCommerce store with external applications or services, maintain tight control over task execution, and optimize their workflows without the limitations of standard scheduled tasks.

Incorporating this plugin into your nopCommerce environment will not only streamline your processes but also provide peace of mind knowing that your scheduled tasks are being handled by a proven, external service dedicated to reliable task management.