Product Help Documentation - NopAdvance

NopAdvance Store

Key Note - 301 Permanent Redirect

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  1. Multi-store configuration is supported. 
  2. In the old and new paths of the configure, you need the SeName of the path you want to redirect.  
  3. The path can contain unlimited slash.
  4. 301 permanent redirect plugin is useful when you are migrating from one eCommerce platform to a nopCommerce platform.
  5. When a URL name is changed to another URL, you can use this plugin to set the redirection.  
  6. Redirect an old domain to a new domain. 
  7. Redirect the entire domain from non-www to www (and vice-versa). 
  8. Redirect the entire domain from HTTP to HTTPS. 
  9. If your path contain language code, make sure you add the language code while conducting the redirection. 
  10. An deleted path which was removed from the site can also be redirected to new path.