1. Setting to allow customers to avail reward points to customers based on payment method. 
  2. Setting to set reward points amount spent using a payment method. 
  3. Setting to set payment points validity for each payment method. 
  4. Setting to activate the reward points immediately or after some predefine hours or days. 
  5. Setting to publish each reward points offer. 
  6. Listing the reward points on the admin side customer details page. 
  7. On the checkout page in the payment method section, the customer can see how many reward points will be earned on each payment method. 
  8. The total number of reward points will display in the order summary section on the checkout page (Existing reward points + reward points by payment method).
  9. Reward points will be added only after the payment status is “Paid”.
  10. On my account page, in the reward point pages, customers can see their history of rewards collected using the plugin payment method plugin. 
  11. The plugin won’t work if the reward points setting is disabled from the admin side on the Configuration > Reward Points page.