Free Version:

  1. Store owners can create multiple hello-bar’s and assign them to a widget zone they prefer.
  2. Content text area to add content for Hello Bar. Users can also add code for displaying their content.
  3. Users can set the background color to highlight their Hello Bar. 
  4. Users can set the height (in pixels) of the Hello Bar according to the content they want to display in Hello Bar. 
  5. Search Panel for easy search of Hello Bars.
  6. Multi-store configuration supported. 
  1. All free version features.
  2. Users can enable the marquee view option for the Hello Bar. The user can also set directions for the same.
  3. Caching the Hello Bar for enhancing slider performance. 
  4. The setting for scheduling the Hello Bar. (This feature is very useful when you want to run campaign banners for a limited time on your nopCommerce store.)
  5. Limit by stores (multi-store) and customer roles (Limit by customer role(s) helps you to display certain Hello Bar for selected stores and the selected customers only.

Trial Version:

  1. All paid version features are available for 10 calendar days.