Multiple Wishlist nopCommerce Plugin

This plugin allows nopCommerce store owners to enable multiple wishlists in their store. Users can create multiple wishlists as per their preferences.
Products specifications
Attribute nameAttribute value
Supported versions:4.50, 4.60, 4.70
nopCommerce Multiple Wishlist Plugin
Multiple Wishlist nopCommerce Plugin (No Source - Single Store)
Old price: $19.00
nopCommerce Multiple Wishlist Plugin
Multiple Wishlist nopCommerce Plugin (No Source - Multi Store)
Old price: $39.00
nopCommerce Multiple Wishlist Plugin
Multiple Wishlist nopCommerce Plugin (Source Code)
Old price: $199.00

Key features of Multiple Wishlist Plugin: 

Paid Version:

  1. With unlimited wishlists, customers can create multiple wishlists in the public store.
  2. Remove products manually from wishlists.
  3. Personalized comments/notes in wishlist products.
  4. Personalized wishlist name(s).
  5. Pagination and provide settings to define page sizes in the plugin configuration.
  6. There should be two buttons, "Clear all wishlists" and "Clear wishlist". Where the “Clear all wishlists” will remove all the items from all the wishlists and the “Clear wishlist” button will remove all the items from the particular wishlist.
  7. Products can be copied and moved from one list to another.
  8. Setting to display wishlist(s) under the left side navigation section in your nopCommerce store.

Trial Version

  1. All paid version features are available for 10 calendar days.